Things I hate v.3.0
1. I hate it when simple things get put off, thereby becoming big things
2. I hate that neither of my younger siblings seems to show the slightest bit of regard for chores or work outside of that which sustains their ability to participate in social activities
3. I hate that people own so much stuff, my family included.
4. I hate that so many things are wasted so casually in our society.
5. I hate that men are rarely men these days.
6. I hate that I sometimes lack the courage to say what is right.
7. I hate that friends can be so very, very false and not be seen as such.
8. I hate "popular opinion".
9. I hate that I've had a guitar for a year and still haven't learned how to play it.
10. I hate myself for having so much trouble letting go of an infatuation.
11. I hate getting my hopes up.
12. I hate how the supposed "justice system" in our country is incestuously run.
11. I hate it when people are pigeon-holed and no one takes a closer look.
12. I hate it when a good book has a very bad ending.
13. I hate it when I cry.
14. I hate thinking I'll never see someone again.
15. I hate that people are so arrogant while declaring others snobs.
16. I hate that by and large people are ill-informed and easily manipulated.
17. I hate sin and how it binds you in sick slavery.
18. I hate it when I can't get to sleep and I know the next day is going to be busy.
19. I hate that people lie.
20. I hate that I lie.
21. I hate the fact that there's anything to hate.
22. I hate the fact that if you claim salvation in Christ or believe the bible to be true, you are considered stupid, dangerous, unloving and/or insane (all of these have been thrown at me).
23. I hate it when people claim 'humanity' as their bastion of hope. When clearly, mankind has not done to well with itself and shows no hope of getting better on its own.
24. I hate the fact that I can see America sliding down a slick slope once tread by communism and fascism.
25. I hate the fact that people don't pay attention to important things or meaningful things, but are more than willing to pass on chain mail or posts claiming you don't love God (or whatever) if you don't pass the crud even further on.
26. I hate we are so obsessed with pharmacopia. You don't need to take a pill to feel less stressed or eat better or lose weight or feel happier or many of the other things we take pills for.
27. I hate that I feel so helpless in the face of powers larger than I.
28. I hate that I have such problems giving up >perceived< control of my life>
"So far you have Hans for the guy's name, right? Don't have a last name? How about Boojeyface? Hans Boojeyface?" >Dr. P<
Wow, I haven't been on here for so long. And that's the reason that this comment is anonymous--it seems I've forgotten my password and am unable to sign in. Anyway, it looks like there have been a few updates since I was last here. It seems there are a lot of things you hate, too, but most of them are justified. I definitely agree strongly with #s 10, 17, and 25. Seriously, with #10, I didn't know anyone else besides me who struggled with that. It's good to know that I'm not alone. And we're especially not alone because God gives His love through all this hate. Always something to remember.
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