The Divine Comedy of W. Peterson

The daily search for...I don't know, whatever.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Staring at the debris, wanting it to be...better.

If you were a wood-you'd be cherry
If you were a flavor-you'd be mango-berry
If you were a gem-you'd be sapphire
If you were a comedy-you'd be satire
If you were a drink-you'd be coffee
If you were a candy-you'd be toffee
If you were a color-you'd be green
If you were a word-you'd be 'keen'
If you were a friend-you'd be the best
And be my favorite like all the rest

In case you didn't understand-those are all my favorite things in the categories listed. This was written for a very good friend.
I visited Gateway to India last night---quite nice. Though I think I'll stick to Thai food mainly. Their mango lassi (drink) is awesome! It contains, among other things, yogurt, mango and rosewater. Truly good in combating spicier than spicy foods. I can't believe my friend Sarah went the whole five stars on the spiceometer. Hats off Sarah Bear-a! That girl has guts. Or did until last night- I don't know how she fared after dinner since we parted ways. I had such a good time and enjoyed meeting her friend Veronica. I figure, any friend of Sarah's must be pretty swell-just from knowing the awesomeness that is...well...Sarah C.

My room is messy. Very messy. Like as in I have to wash clothes if I want clean ones to wear to church tomorrow. Gross. I'm such a neat freak in other parts of my life. It's kind of ironic. Not really though. I just like using the word 'ironic'. Roll it around a few times in your mouth. eye-ron-ick. Nice, isn't it?

Life happens, doesn't it? Happens a lot. I think I'm kind of rambling at this point. Meh. No one reads these things but me anyway. So I do believe I am safe in my insanity. Safe as a yolk in an egg. Unless the egg breaks, which they are prone to do. Hmmm...must think of a better simile for future use. Speaking of eggs-reading a book called The Big Over Easy (recommended by my friend Mo-glow) which is like Raymond Chandler meets Mother Goose meets British detectives. Pretty funny-but serious too. Other good books the library wants back, but I'm still in the middle of:

Jane Fairfax (Emma from another POV)

Don Quixote(really hilarious actually and some solid wit)

Not a Safe God (interesting realities about the One I worship)

Rahab (cool historical fiction on that famous Jerichoan)

Only Revolutions (Okay, this one kind of sucks, but format is

Desperaux (must borrow from sister, kid's book, but wonderfully written. Warning: it will make you sigh and cry and then sigh some more).

Toodle Pip.

"You are totally Yossarian." >Dr. P<